Katta quvvatli vintli havo kompressori
German high-quality centrifugal fan
German ROSENBERG’s newest centrifugal fans have a significant cooling air volume, stable and uniform
air pressure, full use of the heat dissipation area, and an excellent cooling effect. Conquer the problem of big horsepower air cooling type compressors’ poor cooling effect problems.
High-quality air inlet valve
SCR uses a high-quality imported inlet valve. SCR has adopted this technology because when the machine unloads, the device will automatically adjust the exhaust pressure. Shu kabi mahsulotlar bilan solishtirganda, bu tushirish quvvatini keskin kamaytiradi, bir vaqtning o'zida rulman yukini kamaytiradi, va podshipniklarning ishlash muddatini yaxshilaydi.
Amerika yuqori sifatli havo filtri tizimi
Yuqori sifatli yuqori, samarali ixtisoslashtirilgan motor
Yuqori samarali barcha yopiq havo sovutish havo kompressorli maxsus vosita. Himoya darajasi IP55 Majburiy emas, Izolyatsiya darajasi F, B sinfidagi haroratning ko'tarilishi, dvigatelga chang va namlik tushishini oldini oladi. SKF rulmanı uzoq muddatli uzluksiz muammosiz ishlashini ta'minlaydi.