

静的シールが動的シールに取って代わる, so that the flow passage parts of the pump are completely sealed, which completely solves the unavoidable defects of running, falling, dripping and leaking of other pump mechanical seals. The materials of pump body and flow passage parts are made of corrosion resistant stainless steel, corundum ceramics, tetrafluorographite

磁気ポンプの使用条件は何ですか 続きを読む "


The series gear oil pump is mainly used for conveying lubricating oil in lubricating systems in various mechanical equipmentit is suitable for conveying lubricating oil with viscosity below 10 e (75c. st) and temperature below 80℃. It is also suitable for conveying corrosive, non-lubricating and solid particle-containing media. if high temperature is required, contact the

ギアポンプの製品説明 続きを読む "
