Вінтавы паветраны кампрэсар з пастаянным магнітам і ўсталяваным бакам
1. Low Energy Package Power
Featuring the latest oil-cooled IP65 permanent magnet motor with increased efficiency over an IE3 motor
The Motor has a high operating temperature of 180 degrees to ensure any motor demagnetization does not occur.
The PM machine has a wide operating band from 25% to 100% speed, making it one of the most efficient machines on the market.
2. Ultra-Quiet
The Oil Cooled PM range of machines has a low operating noise of 68dB(А)
3. Constant Pressure
Vent to achieve a constant pressure state reflects the true sense of energy saving.
4. Easy to Maintain
A simple flip-top design means that all components are easily accessible for maintenance. The compressor is
also available with optional locking wheels making the whole procedure convenient.
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